With hundreds of house painting jobs completed in the Buffalo, NY area, we can proudly say that we are one of the areas favorite residential house painters! From exterior house painting to interior house painting, we do it all! Our painting contractors have years of knowledge and experience to help you every step of the way - from choosing paint color and finish to the final touches. For more information or to schedule service, give our painting contractor a call today!
Massachusetts Avenue completed project, check out restoration photos
Total step and entrance renovation
Fun aqua color brings this house to life!
JRB at work
Watch this diamond in the rough transform!
Replacing old clapboard and trim
Paint and New Clapboard
This Delaware beauty was ready to be demolished
New colors modernize and freshen up this beautiful building
Restoration of soffit
New corbels will be built to keep the original design
Before photo - Another West Side 'Diamond in the Rough'
Transformation is taking hold - almost done!
Replacing clapboard and restoration
Beautiful updated color
Restoring back to original front porches
Hoyt Street - Restored to original beauty with two front porches
Colorful home in the Allentown district - before restoration and new paint
New clapboard restoration
New clapboard being installed
After clapboard restoration
Front door detail
Before photo - Allentown
Replacing clapboard and restoration
Beautiful updated color
Painting dormers and new porch
Total transformation for this established West Side neighborhood